Carol Damoth, MA, LLP, CHTP

Carol Damoth, MA, LLP, CHTP info, products & news

Carol Damoth, MA, LLP, CHTP has 18years of experience in clinical psychology.

She has incorporated green Cranial Sacral Therapy, Healing Touch and Reiki holistic energy medicines into her treatment protocol options.

Carol has found that using the sustainable theories and methods of psychological therapy and energy medicine in combination enables her to provide support and lend clarity to individuals on their journey toward health and wholeness.

Carol Damoth, MA, LLP, CHTP work has assisted many individuals engaged in a journey of healing, including those challenged with chronic pain or disorder including cancer, migraines, chronic neck and back pain, CNS disorders, orthopedic problems, learning disabilities, chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety, fibromyalgia, immune disorders, post traumatic stress, and post-surgical dysfunction among others.

Carol's work is designed to assist each individual in maximizing their inherent ability to heal and maintain health and in consciously and intentionally creating a life of health and wholeness.

Please get in touch with Carol Damoth, MA, LLP, CHTP from the Contact box on the right.

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Carol Damoth, MA, LLP, CHTP Products

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Psychotherapy by Carol Damonth

Each person is born with an unfettered spot, free of expectation and regret, ambition and embarrassment, fear and worry it is an umbilical spot of grace where we ... more »

  • Healing –
  • Growing –
  • Holistic Health
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