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 "Winner Medical is the leading manufacturer for disposable wound-care and surgical products in China. Since 1991, we have been devoted ourselves to manufacturing, R&D and marketing cotton-based medical dressings and medical disposables, as well as consumer products under our own “Purcotton” brand.Winner Medical is the first companies with full product lines in the disposable medical products market registered with the FDA, as well as numerous ISO certifications. Conforming with pharmacopeia rules in the EU, US, Japan, and China, our products have quickly become the industry benchmark.Thanks to our leading position within China, we strive to pay more attention to our reputation, and continue to build upon our brand. With a multitude of local and international honours, awards, and recognitions, we have continuously been recognised by society and the industry with favourable regard.To pursuit for health, sustainable ecology, and higher living standards, enable us to continue to capitalize on our patented technologies to create great new products for the market. With the advent of “Purcotton” in Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, we are at the forefront of fashionable and comfortable medical grade products for the home."

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