Hypo-Allergenic Liquid Laundry

Hypo-Allergenic Liquid Laundry Product details

Hypo-Allergenic Liquid Laundry Product by:
Inventek Colloidal Cleaners, LLC

Inventek Liquid Laundry a hypo-allergenic free rinsing bio-based colloidal product that will Clean and brighten your fabrics without ever having to use fabric softener again. The chemical residues from many common laundry detergents leave fabric stiff, static and irritating to the skin. 

To avoid these problems, fabric softeners are used, which leave even more residues behind. Liquid Laundry leaves no residue that may react with even the most sensitive skin.

InventeK’s Liquid Laundry is perfect for institutional closed loop systems, as well as for home use. Its extreme water softening abilities makes dirt fall from suspension, and facilitates easier recovery of wash water.

It does not harm rural septic systems, but rather enhances their effectiveness by breaking down organic matter into smaller particles that are easier for bacteria to break down.

Liquid Laundry is a concentrated bio-based laundry product which harnesses the power of nano- technology and colloidal micelles to tackle the most challenging Cleaning situations.

Liquid Laundry is an extremely effective cleaning solution, capable of removing all hydro-carbon soils - petroleum derivatives, fats, oils, greases, lipids, proteins, and sugars. When the micelles penetrate into dirt’s and oils, they break them into billions of little particles that constantly repel each other, making it impossible for them to stick back together or redeposit in the fabric.

Liquid Laundry can be mixed with other laundry agents, in most cases enhancing the effectiveness of these agents. Its rinsing, water softening and cleansing action actually prevents re-deposition of waste onto cleaned surfaces.

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