Environmental and Health Issues with Tampons and Pads

Environmental and Health Issues with Tampons and Pads Product details

Environmental and Health Issues with Tampons and Pads Product by:
Fresh Moon

Here at Fresh Moon, we specialise in natural and Certified Organic cloth menstrual pads for feminine hygiene.

Most feminine hygiene products that are made in North America contain two absorbent ingredients - rayon and cotton. 

Rayon, the more absorbent of the two and is made using chlorine gas or chlorine dioxide bleached wood pulp. The bleaching gives us the hygienic looking, bright and white fibers. On an environmental level, they can be detriment to nearby waterways and can pollute the water with organochlorines like dioxins and furans. These are very toxic and carcinogenic chemicals - detrimental to our health and environment. 

Studies have determined negative health impacts of conventional feminine hygiene products and their long term impact on our health.

The other material used - cotton, is by no means an environmentally friendly either. There are no less than 170 insecticides that are registered for use on cotton crops. Also, the bleaching process for cotton involves formaldehyde - a chemical with unpleasant effects on the planet. Even with items like clothing, we'd recommend looking into purchasing pieces made from Organic Cotton.

While the large production of today’s conventional menstrual products, there follows a large environmental cost alone with health issues.

We recommend looking into other healthier and greener alternatives, such as organic cloth menstrual pads.

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