Egyptian Musk Oil

Egyptian Musk Oil Product details

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Many of our customers love the Egyptian Musk fragrance oil because of it smells so good you'll be tempted to use it every single day. Made from an exotic blend of amber, cedarwood, sandalwood, and many other therapeutic oils, this is the unisex fragrance of old Hollywood glamour. Unlike other musk oils mixed with synthetic and harmful phthalates, this is 100% natural and perfect for sensitive skin.

Egyptian musk oil’s earthy scent has a fascinating history. This oil is sourced from plant-based ingredients and extracts nowadays. It is cruelty-free, unlike the old method of harvesting this scent. It has been widely used before for its wide range of benefits, including:

- Calming and relaxing property

- Spiritual cleansing

- Hydrating and moisturizing

- Insect repellant

- Anti-tussive and anti-inflammatory

The rich, warm scent of musk oil is a true head-turner. It's pretty powerful, so use it sparingly, or it can be overbearing. It's perfect in the winter, but good to note that it can be cloying in warmer months.

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