Eco-friendly Roll-On Bracelet

Eco-friendly Roll-On Bracelet Product details

Eco-friendly Roll-On Bracelet Product by:
Aid Through Trade

Aid through Trade created the Eco-friendly Roll-On Bracelet nearly 20 years ago.

They sell their Eco-friendly Roll-On Bracelet in 30 distinct color sets (12 in each set), making 360 distinct unique bracelets.

They cover almost every color imaginable and are constantly coming up with new designs.

They launch a new line of colors every fall and winter and every spring and summer.

Every single one of their organic bracelets is hand crocheted by one of their artisans in Nepal.

They all carry a lifetime guarantee and it’s almost in any size wrist.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Eco-friendly Roll-On Bracelet information and ordering.

Eco Xpo

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