Adi Organic Farms

Adi Organic Farms Product details

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Adi Farms

Adi Organic Farms was established in 2005 by farmers Joseph and Dahlun Lin.
It is located in Pittsgrove, in beautiful Salem County, NJ.

On the 18-acre farm, they produce different arrays of vegetables. Since 2006, they has been certified organic by NJDA, which means that their fields and growing practices meet federal organic standards and that their farm is inspected by a NJDA-certified inspector and reviewed by the NJDA organic certification committee every year.

Their goals are to consistently provide the best tasting Organic Produce that is clean, fresh, and nutritious at a reasonable price, to improve soil fertility through Organic Farming techniques and practices; and to make the environment sustainable for future generations as well as theirs.

In other words, they are committed to providing a high-quality, safe food supply, and to protecting their ecological system rather than overriding it.

This is their stewardship ethic toward the soil, the earth, and ultimately, mankind.

Their goal is not only to be financially profitable but also ecologically and socially responsible.

Because most of their crops are set as transplants or direct seed on plastic mulch and raised with drip irrigation, they grow the cleanest possible organic produce.

Since the nutritional value and freshness of produce decline while on supermarket shelves, their farmers harvest daily to provide customers the freshest and most nutritious produce.

Grown without the use of fake pesticides or fertilizers, they use cover crops, green manure, certified organic compost, and crop rotations to fertilize their soil, their organic produce taste better than conventional produce.

They utilize biological control, crop rotations and other techniques to manage weeds, insects and diseases.

Their focus is on working with the environment and maintaining the balance of their ecosystem as a means of growing organic produce.

At Adi Organic Farms they raise uncertified poultry and produce uncertified chicken eggs in an organic system that allows each bird access to pasture while eliminating the use of artificial hormones, antibiotics, and many other technological quick fixes.

These systems also increase soil organic matters.

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