capital city foods buying club cooperative

capital city foods buying club cooperative info, products & news

discount health foods and locally grown groceries delivered to order each monthCapital City Foods Co-op (located in Frankfort, KY) offers wholesale organic foods and supplies from United Natural Foods, Inc (UNFI) and local farmer produce and products to members. Organic food is expensive and not so easy to find through our local grocers. As a buying club, we can buy products in bulk cases and split those cases among our members for a lower cost. Plus, through our relationships with many local farmers, our membership  enjoys a bounty of local foods, either certified organic or ethically grown (no chemicals). Many of our members have been a part of this cooperative for the better part of 30 years. Come join our community in eating better, closer to home. Disclaimer: Although United is a "natural foods" distributor, and carries a comprehensive selection of fully-natural products, not ALL of the products available to our membership through their catalog are fully "natural" according to USDA standards.

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