Sustainable Comprehensive Prenatal Care

Sustainable Comprehensive Prenatal Care Product details

Sustainable Comprehensive Prenatal Care Product by:
Jennifer Wacker, CD (DONA)

Sustainable Comprehensive Prenatal Care begins at the 12th week of pregnancy (approximately three months) or sooner as you desire.

Appointments are scheduled for one hour on first visit and 30 to 60 minutes subsequently.

The mother and a company, preferable a family member should come in once a month starting the 12th week until the 28 weeks, twice a month from 29 to 36 weeks and then every week until the baby is born.

An average of 11 visits for the whole pregnancy term and even extra visits are allowed if necessary.

Sustainable Comprehensive Prenatal Care includes monitoring of Mother’s weight, blood pressure, assessment of the baby's well-being, and any other concerns are being discuss during the visit, which is noted in the prenatal card.

They offer all-embracing care for your pregnancy in a safety and very comfortable environment.

They stay close to both the mother and baby to facilitate transfer of care to the proper medical personnel if there are health concerns.

They also work hand in hand with your local Health Care providers if you are located far from us to assure a smooth transfer of care.

Please use the Contact form on the right for Sustainable Comprehensive Prenatal Care information and ordering.

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