Environmentally Friendly Gardener

Environmentally Friendly Gardener Product details

Environmentally Friendly Gardener Product by:
Mow Smart

At Mow Smart, we are professional and eco friendly gardener who will mow your front and back yard, trim areas that are not accessible to Mowers, and even blow your driveways and sidewalks of grass clippings. 

What makes us unique is that are are environmentally friendly. Unlike the conventional lawn care company, our concept involves something much more sustainable and green. We use of propane powered mowers, electric trimmers and blowers - which is a whole lot better for the environment than your normal Gardening tools.

Our vehicles and lawn mowing equipment are hence quiet, clean, and green, leaving a minimal carbon footprint.

We even take one step future and make sure that all your grass clippings are recycled back into your lawn. This is a great method as it only provides additional nutrients to your turf that keeps your grass greener.

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