Eco Green Savers

Eco Green Savers Product details

Eco Green Savers Product by:
GreenEcoSavers, LLC

Eco Green Savers has a wide range of sources for Green Energy, Eco-Friendly, smart, Energy & Water Conservation Products and Energy Solutions. Purchase Solar Panels, Eco Inverters And Batteries, Solar Pv Kits, Energy Efficient, Energy Star Compact Fluorescent and Energy Efficient LED Lighting, we offer top quality green Energy Savers products at competitive prices with Energy Savings calculators, valuable information resources and provide a full range of energy consulting services.

Our mission is to promote Energy Efficient Home plan and help our clients to reduce the effects of global warming. We also cater to the needs of green-conscious and eco-conscious customers who truly believe that they can make a difference and take responsibility to make their energy consumption greener.

The criteria for selecting the products that we offer are energy and water saving characteristics, low mercury levels for light bulbs, favourable life cycle costs based on a life cycle analysis including long term operational costs, safe disposal and recycling qualities.

We use recycled shipping boxes and Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials. We also make an effort to choose the smallest possible boxes that can hold the products safely during transit to reduce the transportation costs and benefit from the associated reduction in the emissions.

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