Prana Juice Bar & Namaste Cafe

Prana Juice Bar & Namaste Cafe info, products & news

Whole * live * fresh * local * organicLIFE FORCE ENERGY FOR EVERYDAY LIVING  FRESH ORGANIC PRODUCE, JUICE, COFFEE, TEA, SALADS, APPETIZERS, BAKED GOODS AND MORE!    Here at Prana Juice Bar & Namaste Cafe we believe in the growing need for health and well being within our community, our nation, and our planet. We understand the importance of nourishment through cleansing, and the rejuvenation of our bodies; that through this kind of nourishment we can achieve health, wellness, and a sense of fulfillment for ourselves and our community!  Ask about conference room rates; for study groups, meetings, classes, etc...  All our drinks our available in liter and half gallon sizes with advance notice.  Ask about off site catering.  Herbalist available for healing help!  Under the Magnolia Yoga starting in May!   email us at [email protected]

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